Is The Leprechaun Reboot (2014) worth the watch?

Leprechaun Origins: This is a Leprechaun-film in name only. It doesn't explain any of the genesis. This movie is nothing more than a bland monster film that lacks atmosphere, mystery and blood. It's not even funny. Even at its weakest, the series had immature silliness to fall back on. This is also Warwick Davis's first episode. This monster is full-sized and nonverbal. It is an apparently primeval (Leprechaun Origins) version the little gold-grubbing goblin. Four American students are travelling through Ireland when they meet a friendly, welcoming Irishman. He invites them to his home. He assures them that there are unexplored archeological sites nearby. It turns out that there is an intruder waiting for them, demanding their blood sacrifice.

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